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Media Statement: Continued student protest at SMU, 08 November 2021

Media Statement
Date: 08 November 2021
For Immediate Release

In the last few days, Management received a set of demands from students residing at University-leased off campus residences, particularly TVL, The Heights and Drie Lillies. The main demand raised is that students should continue to reside at these facilities whose contract with the University expires at the end of 2021.

Students have decided to continue with protest action despite several engagements held with them where the University’s position on the matter was reiterated. Management remains of the firm view that the demand that students be allowed to stay in the University-leased student accommodation facilities beyond the expiry of the signed agreements between the University and these providers, who are not on the approved Panel of Service Providers, cannot be acceded to. What the students want Management to do is to essentially annul its decision that has been approved by Council.

Sadly, the continued student protest will collapse the 2021 academic calendar which has previously been revised again due to staff and student protests on campus earlier in the year. These protests seriously negatively impact on the operations of the University and will affect productivity and the performance of the institution as staff members are also prevented from accessing their offices.

The University rules prohibit any protestors from barricading university entrances. The University Management therefore calls upon protesting students not to prevent those students who want to proceed with their academic studies or staff members who wish to access their offices.

Students are similarly requested to abide by the decision taken by the University as no further extensions of the residences in question would be made as doing so would be illegal and exposes the University to litigation. The University is not in a position to act outside the structures of its Supply Chain Management policies.

Issued by the Communication and Marketing
For more details, please contact Phaladi Seakgwe, email address
Cell: 0790751673

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