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Institutional Advancement

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SMU, like all public higher education institutions depend on public funding for their viability. They are reliant on student fees and government subsides as the first and second income generating streams. However, the ever-dwindling fiscals and deteriorating socio-economic conditions threaten this revenue streams and consequently the organizational viability, let alone the long-term sustainability.

To change SMU’s fortunes, the alternative narrative is to develop institutional Advancement capacity for resource mobilization as part of the third stream income generation strategy. Specifically targeting to attract philanthropic funds through donations from markets like corporates trusts and foundations, alumni and individuals, amongst the least chartered markets so as to secure the life chances of our students.

Advancement in this context refers to a systematic and integrated approach to build and manage the external relationships with key constituencies and stakeholders thereby positioning an organization to attract support. Its mission is to establish infrastructure to inform and involve the external stakeholder with the view to get them to invest in the life of a University through strategically coordinated sets of activities

The strategic objective therefore seeks to institutionalize good advancement practice across the university. With the aim of ensuring that, SMU is donor-centric, engaged within its context, and responsive to its external environment.

The approach requires a commitment to invest in people as organizational assets. Maintain a coherent and clear organizational voice while publicizing the good work of the university. Endeavour to ensure that the governance structures of SMU are representative of correctly skilled members who can attract support for the university.

Develop a case for support that tells a compelling story of a unique stand-alone health sciences university in the entire Southern African region with an excellent record of accomplishment of monitoring, evaluation, administration and management of donor funds.


Contact Details

Institutional Advancement Officer


Find Us

Clinical Pathology Building, 5th Floor, Office S526


(012) 521 4060/4563 


(012) 521 4418 


The Institutional Advancement and Internationalization Division’s mission is to:

  • Advocate for sound institutional advancement practice geared towards maximum resource mobilization for SMU
  • Position SMU’s enterprise for international education, linkages and partnerships


Advancement of SMU into a world class health sciences institution