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Student Life and Governance

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Services Rendered:

Services Rendered
  • Leadership training and development
  • Student Representative Council (SCR)
  • Societies
  • Student Life and Events
Student Representative Council (SRC):
Our Flagship events include the following:
  • Motivational talks
  • Clubs visiting orphanage homes and in turn hosting orphanage home on Campus
  • Mr and Miss SMU Pageant
  • Support Student political structures, Religious formations, Clubs and Societies during implementation of their Programme of Action (POA)
  • Give logistical support to Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) during SRC Elections annually around September/October
  • Enhancing Debates
  • Strategic measures applied to all students structures, political and non-political
  • Enforce students employability
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) students taken to industries such as the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and/or National Research Council (NRF)

Student-related activities/Committees

We also provide assistance on which society to join, what society membership fees are payable and other general information which can be obtained from the office of student life and governance. Our caring and supportive staff will guide students to the relevant office bearers in order to assist with society/SRC or any other related student matters. Students can choose from a variety of political, social and religious structures on campus and join.

A. Political Structures:
  • African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL)
  • Azanian Student Congress (AZASCO)
  • Democratic Alliance Students Organisation (DASO)
  • Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command (EFFSC)
  • Progressive African Socialist Students Organisation (PASSO)
  • Pan African Student Movement of Azania (PASMA)
  • South African Students Congress (SASCO)
  • Student Christian Fellowship (SCF)
  • Young Communist League of South Africa (YCLSA)
B. Social Clubs:
  • Debate Society
  • DJ Society
  • Poetry Club
  • Wrap-it Up
  • Let the Young Man Live
C. Religious Desk:

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University Religious Desk, which is an umbrella body of all Students church structures at the university, ranging from the Orthodox Church structures to Contemporary church structures..

Contact details:

Mr. Albert Masetla
Student Development Practitioner
Tel: 012 521 5836

Ms. Goitsemang Mogase
Tel: 012 521 5835

Physical address:

Natural Science Building,
Ground Floor

Student consultation hours:

Monday- Friday: 07h30 – 16h00