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SMU Annual Fund

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The objective of the fund is to mobilize resources for the University in support of its noble vision of transforming health services through excellence and innovation. This vision is inhibited by lack of social welfare for our students. To this end SMU therefore calls upon you to partner with us in our plight to raise philanthropic money to meet SMU students’ immediate social needs.

About the SMU Harambee Annual Fund

The SMU Harambee Annual Fund gives you the opportunity to support the Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University. You can choose one of four projects to support under the fund:


An annual fund is the catch-all term for general nonprofit fundraising. It encompasses all fundraising efforts including online solicitation, direct mail asks, email appeals, and more. It does not include money raised during capital campaigns or for endowment funds. The fund is grown over time and the interest it earns can be used in areas where it is most needed. This means regular donations of any amount will make a difference to teaching and research excellence, scholarships, campus improvements, the student experience, and academic excellence at SMU. We invite partners who have an interest in developing a tertiary education sector that will provide highly skilled, qualified candidates for the workplace to contribute towards the SMU Annual Fund. Such contributions can be linked to an organisations area of interest, and can attract tax benefits and BBBEE certification.


1. SMU Hands of Compassion

Supports students by providing meals, sanitary pads, and other assistance to SMU needy students. The programme was conceived of following an observation that some of SMU students go a day without a decent meal


2. SMU Scholarship programme

SMU is heavily reliant on NSFAS for student funding. This programme aims to augment the current bursary donor pool to the benefit of academically deserving yet needy students



3. SMU e-Learning gadgets

Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, SMU is challenged to support its learning project via a multi-modal approach. The fund therefore aims to help needy students with learning gargets such as laptop, tablets, and the requisite data


4. SMU Historical Debt Projects

This fund is intended to assist SMU students in repaying their previous debts. The institution has accumulated nearly R400 million in student debts. This frequently stops students from returning to university to complete their academic programs the following year. Also, for those who have graduated, it is a difficulty since the institution is unable to provide academic certificates until the entire debt is paid off.














You have the choice of contributing R50 a month, R100 a month, or any other amount suitable to your budget.

If you donate to this fund, you can choose to have access to SMU Alumni Benefits (see the SMU Alumni Benefits page for more information). If, however, you donate to the SMU Harambee Annual Fund without choosing the option of Alumni Benefits, you still qualify for a tax receipt according to Section 18A of the Income Tax Act. Your donation matters.

To find out more about payment options, contact

Click on the video below to learn how even little contributions to the SMU Harambee Annual Fund in Support of the SMU multi-faceted program may have a tremendous impact.