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About SMU Alumni and Convocation

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About Alumni and Convocation

Keeping in touch with your alma mater after you have graduated is important for several reasons. The Alumni Career Portal, presents opportunities to help shape the future of SMU, and membership in an international network of fellow SMU alums with comparable educational backgrounds are just a few of the benefits.

It is a privilege to have strategic networks and to keep in touch with our more than 10,000 alumni and convocation throughout the world and to provide you intriguing news and opportunities to keep you connected to SMU. You will be able to notice and seize opportunities even after graduation because of the network and stage we give.

About Alumni

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) is one of the 23 South African public Universities based in Garakuwa, Pretoria. It was established in 2015 following the de-merger of MEDUNSA from the University of Limpopo. SMU has more than 10 000 alumni spread across South Africa, SADC and a sizable number overseas. As a graduate of SMU you play an important part in supporting our students and being an ambassador of the university.

Who may call themselves About SMU Alums?

In this context, “alumni” refers to anybody who graduated from Sefako Makgatho Health Science University (SMU) or the Medical University of Southern Africa (MEDUNSA), both of which were established by the government to provide affordable healthcare to its students. With this, the SMU-Medunsa alums are brought to life.

SMU Alumni Network

The mission of the SMU Alumni Network is to serve as a resource to help you stay involved and informed about the university and its global community. It provides several opportunities for you to network and to participate in and enrich campus life.

As a university, the success and vibrancy of SMU depends on the involvement of its alumni. In addition to providing vital bridges between the past and the present, alumni also lay the groundwork for the years to come. In addition to facilitating the satisfaction of graduates, the Alumni Network encourages the participation and backing of its members.

SMU’s alums are committed to making a difference in the world beyond campus. It is a boon to the mission and vision of SMU.

SMU Convocation

At SMU, Members of the Convocation are comprised of university graduates, academic or academic related staff, senior and executive officers of the university, the Vice Chancellor, and the Chancellor. Convocation is the primary means by which SMU alums have been able to voice their concerns and share their ideas with the university. Convocation has an important role to play in the institution by representing and advancing the collective interests of its members with respect to the University.   As such, Convocation has two representatives on the SMU Council (the highest governing body of the institution). Should you have legitimate concerns regarding your alma mater; please contact us.

Academic Transcripts

For academic transcripts, syllabi queries and copy degree certificates.

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Tel: 012 521 4058/4204/4137/4315