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School of Medicine Masters and Doctoral Programmes

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Masters and Doctoral Programmes

  • M Med (Anaesthesiology) Degree Programme (MMDB01)
  • M Med (Anatomical Pathology) Degree Programme (026)
  • M Med (Chemical Pathology) Degree Programme (MMDJ01)
  • M Med (Dermatology) Degree Programme (MMDP01)
  • M Med (Family Medicine) Degree Programme (MMF01)
  • M Med (Forensic Pathology) Degree Programme (MMDI01)
  • M Med (Haematological Pathology) Degree Programme MMDGO1
  • M Med (Internal Medicine) Degree Programme (MMDQ01)
  • M Med (Medical Microbiology) Degree Programme (MMDK01)
  • M Med (Neurology) Degree Programme (MMG01)
  • M Med (Neur Surg) Degree Programme (MMEA01)
  • M Med (Nuclear Medicine) Degree Programme (MMDM01)
  • M Med (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) Degree Programme (MMDC01)
  • M Med (Occupational Medicine) Degree Programme (MMDS01)
  • M Med (Ophthalmology) Degree Programme (MMDD01)
  • M Med (Orthopaedics) Degree Programme (MMED01)
  • M Med (Otorhinolaryngology) Degree Programme (MMDE01)
  • M Med (Paediatrics & Child Health) Degree Programme (MMDO01)
  • M Med (Plastic Surgery) Degree Programme (MMEC01)
  • M Med (Psychiatry) Degree Programme (MMDR01)
  • M Med (Public Health Medicine) Degree Programme (MMDF01)
  • M Med (Diagnostic Radiology) Degree Programme (MMDL01)
  • M Med (Surgery) (General) Degree Programme (MMEE01)
  • M Med (Cardio-Thoracic Surgery) Degree Programme (MMEF01)
  • M Med (Urology) Degree Programme (MMEB01)
  • M Med (Virology) Degree Programme (MMDN01)
  • MSc (Clinical Psychology) Degree Programme (MCP01)
  • MSc (Med) Degree Programme (MSM01)
  • MSc (Med) In Physiology (MSM01)

Visit the School Calendar for more details: Postgraduate Students | SMU


Admission requirements
Unless otherwise indicated, the General Rules for postgraduate students apply.
A candidate for the degree of PhD shall execute during not less than two academic years advanced research under the guidance of a supervisor appointed by Senate. The student shall in the first year, enrol for and pass the courses:
REME801 Research Methodology, and
PROD801 Protocol Development, unless he/she can provide proof of having passed these courses within the previous five years.
The research may take place in the University or in an institution deemed by the Senate to be part of the University for this purpose.

Visit the School Calendar for more details: Postgraduate Students | SMU


Selection and admission requirements
(i) For practical reasons only a limited number of applicants can be admitted to the degree programme. Students are therefore selected on merit by a Selection Committee and notified accordingly.
(ii) Students who have been refused re-registration in a Faculty of Medicine at any other University shall not be admitted to this Medical School
Students with a suitable MSc or equivalent degree in physiology or biochemistry are accepted for full-time study in the fields of interest of staff members and are required to complete a thesis.

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Anatomical Pathology
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Anatomy
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Pathology
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Forensic Pathology
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Haematological Pathology
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Microbiology
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Virology
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Physiology

Visit the School Calendar for more details: Postgraduate Students | SMU


Selection and admission requirements
(i) A person who wishes to be admitted as a candidate for this degree shall lodge an application with the Registrar submitting such evidence of his academic and general qualifications and such information as the rules or as Senate may, from time to time, require. Registration will only be permitted once a person has been admitted to this degree.
(ii) A person who is not a member of the Convocation and who wishes to proceed to the degree shall not be admitted as a candidate unless Senate is satisfied, on the advice of the board of the Faculty, that there are sound reasons for such Admission.
(iii) Any one of the following may be admitted by Senate as a candidate:
(a) A person in possession of a Doctor of Philosophy or an MD degree of the University of at least four years standing;
(b) A graduate of any other university admitted under section 26(b) of the Universities Act, No 61 of 1955 to the status Doctor of Philosophy or MD and who has held the qualification, by virtue of which such Admission has been granted, for a period of at least four years.

  • Doctor of Medicine in Anatomical Pathology
  • Doctor of Medicine in Anatomy
  • Doctor of Medicine in Chemical Pathology
  • Doctor of Medicine in Forensic Pathology
  • Doctor of Medicine in Haematological Pathology
  • Doctor of Medicine in Medical Biochemistry
  • Doctor of Medicine in Medical Microbiology
  • Doctor of Medicine in Medical Virology
  • Doctor of Medical Science

Visit the School Calendar for more details: Postgraduate Students | SMU