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Meeting of the minds: SMU Management meets with donors

Meeting of the minds: SMU Management meets with donors

A key aspect in resource mobilization (advancement) relates to constant engagements with institutional donors. This involves regular meetings with them, updating them on how funds they have contributed are being utilized, current developments and future strategic plans. The University sees this as a critical layer of accountability and stewardship.

It is against this background that SMU, on the 14 September 2023, hosted a group of SMU donors in Pretoria. Led by the Vice Chancellor, Prof Peter Mbati, the engagement had the following key objectives:

  • Provision of a platform on which donors could network with the University and amongst themselves,
  • Updating donors on current infrastructure development projects, and the university’s strategic direction, and;
  • Nomination of two donor representatives to serve on the University Council.

The following companies were represented at the gala dinner:

  • Discovery
  • Standard Bank
  • Modern Community Foundation
  • Medical Protection Society
  • Royal Bafokeng Institute
  • Modern centric
  • Straumann Group
  • Nedbank
  • Sanlam
  • BBBEE Consulting experts
  • Fundi Capital
  • Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine
  • BCX

In his opening address, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Peter Mbati, gave an overview of the current developments, including the revision of the strategic plan, highlighting the challenges and needs encountered by the university in pursuit of the provision of quality teaching, learning, research and innovation. He further highlighted the university’s plans as outlined in the recently revised strategic plan, currently being considered by the university’s Council.

Acknowledging that sound teaching and learning and research and innovation must be adequately supported by requisite infra- structure, Ms Yandisa Lengoasa, Director: Built Environment made a presentation in which she outlined the current infrastructure projects and the impact they are likely to have on the academic project, once completed.

As commonly understood, a critical aspect for the success of any institution relates to the strength of its governance. To this end, the University Registrar, Dr Jeffrey Mabelebele, made a brief presentation focusing on governance, outlining the role of the donors in pursuit of strong governance structure. He further encouraged the delegates to make themselves available to serve on SMU Council.

VCs Desk - Meeting of the minds SMU Management meets with donors

Congratulations to Prof Mbati as he joins the International Association of University

Congratulations to Prof Mbati as he joins the International Association of University

Congratulations Peter Mbati for his confirmed membership of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP). In this regard, he joins a group of peer Presidents and Vice Chancellors who together comprise the world’s preeminent organization of university leaders. The International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) is an association of university chief executives from higher education institutions around the world. Membership is limited to those individuals who serve as Presidents, Rectors or Vice-Chancellors at regionally accredited colleges or universities. The IAUP had its foundational Triennial Conference in 1965 and has continued to strive for excellence in the following areas:

  • To increase the exchange of experiences, levels of collaboration and networking between university leaders.
  • To provide a well-informed forum for university leaders throughout the world.
  • To contribute to a worldwide vision of higher education.
  • To strengthen the international mission of institutions throughout the world.
  • To make every effort for the voice of educational leaders to be heard.
  • To support sustainable development in a context of global competency.
  • To promote peace and international understanding through education.
  • IAUP is a NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) holding the highest (ECOSOC) consultation rights at the United Nations and formal consultation rights with UNESCO.

The IAUP acknowledges that we are living in unprecedented times, with challenges and opportunities worldwide. In this context, it seeks to provide a platform for higher education leaders to learn from what is working, to note what has not worked, and to effect the necessary improvements, while reinventing, innovating and extending the boundaries of what we know. It is envisaged that Prof. Mbati’s appointment to the IAUP will have a positive impact not just for SMU but also for our country and the African region in general with regard to quality, relevance and innovation.

Newsflash - Congratulations to Prof Mbati as he joins the International Association of University

Newsflash – Oral Health Sciences Oath Taking Ceremony

Newsflash – Oral Health Sciences Oath Taking Ceremony

The School of Oral Health Sciences at SMU celebrated the Class of 2022 who finally completed their training in the field of Dentistry, Oral Hygiene and Dental therapy on 29 June 2023. In addition, there was the unveiling of a plaque also known as the “Wall of Fame” where the names of the top achievers in the module Ethical Practice Management will be engraved.
The class of 2022 took an Oath in their respective professions pledging among other pledges to strive at all times to make a difference in the lives of the communities they will be serving.
This Oath taking ceremony was a testament to the fact that SMU continues to produce globally competitive and competent graduates in line with the institutional mission to maintain excellence in teaching, learning, innovative research, and community engagement. Twenty-nine students in total took their oath on the day, which included students who completed qualifications in Bachelor of Oral Hygiene (3), Bachelor of Dental Therapy (5), and Bachelor of Dental Surgery (21).

The top achievers in the BDS final year received awards during the ceremony. Dr Mpakeng Lebepe was awarded the best overall final year student in BDS in the module ethical practice management while Dr Lesley Molepo was awarded the best student in Community Dentistry, and the best final year student in Operative Dentistry. Dr Molepo received awards for being the top achiever in Endodontics by doing the highest number of most complex cases in endodontics reflected through clinical evaluation, showing understanding and practical implications of modern and contemporary clinical management nominated. She was nominated by her supervisors for these awards. Dr Shaazmeen Hoosen was awarded a prize for being the best 4th-year student in Dental Radiology – clinical. Dr Yumna Karodia was awarded for best all-around student – leadership, clinical, and academic in her final year. Dr Princess Mushiane was awarded for the student who showed an understanding of infection control practice and treated her patients with the utmost care, courtesy, and professionalism.

Dr Magda Verwoerd was awarded a prize for the student who demonstrated professional clinical attendance, best portfolio score, and underlying principles as reflected through clinical session evaluations during the final year. “Our Journey does not end here. This ceremony marks the beginning of a new phase in our journey of life. As we step into the world as dental professionals, let us remember the core values that brought us to this point – integrity, empathy, and excellence” proclaimed the Class Representatives.
The current Acting Dean in Oral Health Sciences, Prof Dini Mawela expressed her joy that the School had achieved this milestone as she wished the students well on their new paths in life. She also encouraged the graduates to join the SMU alumni and the Convocation.

Newsflash - Oral Health Sciences Oath Taking Ceremony

MEC Nkomo Ralehoko conducts a follow up visit to SMU to give feedback

MEC Nkomo Ralehoko conducts a follow up visit to SMU to give feedback

Gauteng Health and Wellness MEC Nomantu Nkomo Ralehoko undertook a follow up visit to SMU today 05 May 2023. She was accompanied by a high powered delegation from both the Premier’s office and the department. In welcoming the MEC and her entourage to SMU, Vice-Chancellor Prof Peter Mbati said he appreciated and was encouraged by the visit to the University as this brought hope that government is serious about working with the University. “We are the only dedicated health sciences university in Southern Africa and this presents a huge opportunity for SMU. I must add that there is really a renewed strategic intent to be a leader in both health education and health services because we work very closely with our clinical platforms. We have an integral working relationships as we have said in the past with Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital, the National Health Laboratory Services, and have a dedicated dental teaching hospital”, said Mbati.

Mbati used the occasion to revisit some of the matters raised with the MEC during her previous visit. These included the matter of Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital being a fit for purpose tertiary academic teaching hospital; facilities for oral health services and their repurposing; staffing for both School of medicine and dental hospital; issues of the bulging student debt amongst others. He explained that SMU is home to a large proportion of students from indigent families who qualify and have a right to be here to pursue their studies but have difficulties to pay their tuition fees. “We plead with the MEC and Premier’s offices for an increase of bursaries for students who come to SMU and also call for innovative ways to clear issues of students’ debt”.

Mbati also announced that plans are underway to build a centre for pandemics at SMU. “This is a project that is being coordinated from the department of Science and Innovation and will be a collaborative effort between SMU and 6 other universities. I was in Canada for a South Africa/Canada universities forum and there is an intention to bring in partnerships from Canada to assist us in the setting up of the centre for pandemics”, he said.

For more details, click on the download below:

MEC Nkomo Ralehoko conducts a follow up visit to SMU to give feedback

Hundreds show up for the first day of SMU symbolic in-person Graduations Ceremonies

Hundreds show up for the first day of SMU symbolic in-person Graduations Ceremonies

The symbolic in-person Graduations Ceremonies commenced in  earnest at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University yesterday 20 September 2022 for the cohorts of students who graduated virtually in 2020 and 2021 respectively as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions enforced by government at the time. Professor Peter Mbati in his capacity as Acting Chancellor presided over the ceremony and also awarded Degrees to a group of students who could not attend the May 2022 physical graduations ceremonies due to reasons beyond their control.

Speaking at the start of the two-day ceremonies, Professor Tandi Matsha-Erasmus in her capacity as Acting Vice- Chancellor congratulated all graduates and commended them for defying the odds to eventually complete their studies in the midst of Covid-19 and other geopolitical factors and challenges. Matsha – Erasmus further urged the graduates to remain humble and kind especially to those who assisted them to attain their qualifications. She commended Prof Mbati for his leadership of the University adding that the work he has done remains visible. The Acting Vice-Chancellor challenged the graduates to fight corruption and any form of maladministration wherever and reminded them that they are joining multitudes of SMU Alumni whom the University is proud of.

Families and friends came to support graduates as they walked the stage and got an opportunity to take photographs as part of creating memories. When the ceremonies are concluded today, it is expected that over 1000 graduates would have been awarded their qualifications in different fields of study from the Five Schools of the University namely; Schools of Medicine, Health Care Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Pharmacy as well as Science and Technology.

Newsflash - Hundreds show up for the first day of SMU symbolic in-person Graduations Ceremonies

SMU Vice-Chancellor appeals to business and stakeholders to partner with the University

SMU Vice-Chancellor appeals to business and stakeholders to partner with the University

At the conclusion of the recent launch of the business and stakeholder gala dinner, the Vice-Chancellor of Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University Professor Peter Mbati has reached out to stakeholders in government, public and private sector to partner with the University in various projects to ensure that SMU continues to play a meaningful role as the only dedicated health sciences university in the region.

In welcoming all the guests, the Chairperson of the University Council Ms Maria Rambauli said, the purpose of the occasion was for the Vice- Chancellor to share with business and stakeholders the journey of where SMU is going and to make the right contacts. The Council Chairperson called upon all executives, students and staff to be proud of what the university is doing. “I am passionate about this university as its product”, she said. She reminded everyone that at the end of it all, it is about the children from different backgrounds who come to SMU in search of that gold that is their Degree which will enrich their lives forever.

To access full article, please follow this link: SMU Vice-Chancellor appeals to business and stakeholders to partner with the University