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Endodontics Periodontology and Oral Medicine

Endodontics Periodontology and Oral Medicine


Oral Medicine is another specialized field in Dentistry. Oral Medicine deals with the prevention, diagnosis and management of a range of oral diseases and conditions. The specialist in Oral Medicine works closely with colleagues in other specialized medical and dental disciplines as part of interdisciplinary case management.

The Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine provides periodontal care to the general community, where diseases of the gums and the surrounding periodontium are diagnosed and treated accordingly. Other diseases of the oral cavity and concerned structures are covered by the field of oral medicine. The surgical skills obtained during training in Periodontics compliment and augment the training in Oral Medicine. All the components of the specialized training in Periodontics and in Oral Medicine require an in-depth understanding of disease and inflammatory processes and the management of several aspects thereof. Undergraduate students learn basics of Periodontology that includes prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a range of periodontal problems. Students are also exposed to a variety of oral conditions and diseases which substantially benefits their training in oral medicine. Students have opportunity to observe surgical procedures in the Implant Clinic within the Department.

Research interests include guided tissue regeneration; HIV-associated oral diseases and conditions; oral potentially malignant and malignant lesions; and oral pigmentation.

Department Contact Details

Mrs D’Alton R

Room Number N330
Tel: (012) 521 4834

Endodontics Periodontology And Oral Medicine
School of Oral Health Sciences
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University
Box D21

Prof GU Mohangi


Field of Expertise: Periodontal, Plastic Surgery, Tissue Engineering (Bone and Soft tissue regeneration), Dental Implantology
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Dr S Koutras

Snr Lecturer/Specialist

Field of Expertise: Periodontology, Implantology and Oral Medicine
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Dr R Ballyram

Snr Lecturer/Dentist

Field of Expertise: Periodontology, Dental Material , Oral Medicine and Ethics
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Dr T D Kekana


Field of Expertise: Teaching on oral ulceration and Candida albicans, clinical diagnoses of oral soft tissues lesions; Endodontics treatment of traumatized anterior teeth; Composite restorations
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