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Integrated Clinical Dentistry

Integrated Clinical Dentistry

The department commonly known as ICD Department, provides academic teaching and clinical training in all undergraduate dentistry programmes (BDS, BOH & BDT) in the school of Dentistry.  ICD Department enhances practicing dentistry profession with integrity, professionalism, accountability and building mutual trust as a means to establish harmonious clinician – patient relationship.

At the exit level of the BDS programme (BDS5), the students are empowered to integrate the theoretical and clinical skills learning gained from all the disciplines in the previous four years of their studies, to comprehensively manage their own patients and develop the skill to evaluate their own learning through self-reflection.

The School prides itself as the first (1st) Dental School in South Africa to offer Comprehensive Clinical Cases (CCC) module at the final year of BDS, which allows individual student a full year of general dental practice in preparation for a professional life as a dentist. ICD hosts the white coat oath-taking ceremony at the beginning of the academic year to welcome BDS5 students to final year and CCC clinic

The Department’s research interests are: Ethical Practice Management, Comprehensive Clinical Cases, Multidisciplinary/Integrated Learning, Dental Education, Interprofessional Education, Competency based Curriculum planning.

Department Contact Details

Room Number N415
Tel: (012) 521 4950

Integrated Clinical Dentistry
School of Oral Health Sciences
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University
Box D10

Dr KNM Masike

Full Time Lecturer/ Head Clinical Unit

Field of Expertise: General dentistry, Comprehensive Clinical Care, Interprofessional Education curriculum/competencies, Mental health of students
Email Address:

Dr KD Sehume

Full Time Lecturer

Field of Expertise: General dentistry, Comprehensive Clinical Care, Prosthodontics
Email Address:

Dr MM Lesufi

Full Time Lecturer

Field of Expertise: General dentistry, Comprehensive Clinical Care, Hypertension in dentistry
Email Address:

Dr LB Modubu

Full Time Lecturer

Field of Expertise: General Dentistry, Comprehensive Clinical Care, Prosthodontics
Email Address:

Dr ML Shivamba

Full Time Lecturer

Field of Expertise: General Dentistry, Comprehensive Clinical Care, Orthodontics
Email Address:

Dr MM Nkosi

Full Time Lecturer

Field of Expertise: General Dentistry, Comprehensive Clinical Care, Oral Pathology
Email Address:

Dr C Phatudi

Part Time Lecturer

Field of Expertise: General Dentistry, Comprehensive Clinical Care, Endodontics
Email Address:

Dr Mampane

Part Time Lecturer

Field of Expertise: General Dentistry, Comprehensive Clinical Care
Email Address:

Dr S. Motladi


Field of Expertise: General dentistry, Comprehensive Clinical Care
Email Address:

Dr M. Bray


Field of Expertise: General dentistry, Comprehensive Clinical Care
Email Address:

Mrs Laurine Mabitsela

Department administrations and  Secretariat

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