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Sports Injury Rehabilitation Unit (SIRU)

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The Sports Injury Rehabilitation Unit (SIRU)

The Sports Injury Rehabilitation Unit (SIRU)

The Sports Injury Rehabilitation Unit (SIRU) is a sports physiotherapy setting aimed at becoming a high performance centre involving a multidisciplinary approach. SIRU was established in 2018 by Mr Muhammad Dawood from the SMU physiotherapy department with the support and encouragement by Professor Douglas Maleka (HOD) and has since grown exponentially.

Our mission at SIRU

Our mission at SIRU: It has been said on numerous occasions at the highest level of academia that exercise is medicine. There are hundreds of thousands of recreational athletes and gym goers in our country. Physiotherapy and sport nutrition are regarded as some of the basic needs of the above mentioned athlete. Prevention strategies are the current hot topics of FIFA, cricket South Africa and sports medicine currently although injuries are inevitable and need to be managed.

The Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University sport injury rehabilitation unit (SIRU) has a mission of providing sport injury and performance management for the athletes of SMU and the surrounding areas.

This centre serves

This centre serves as a teaching centre where our postgraduate sports master’s students as well as our undergraduate student will be able to manage and treat highly skilled sportsmen.

Research is conducted at this facility and is a great opportunity to bring in funding from external sources. Exercise is medicine and this is the way forward. SIRU has grown to now run the gym, service all sporting codes and is an actual site for the clinical sports physiotherapy block. We have had thousands of patient treatments and are self-funded. We remain a third stream income for the department of physiotherapy.


It’s a positive place where students grow and learn and find their place in the physiotherapy world. It’s a place where struggling students realise their potential and patients come to get better for a fraction of the price.

For appointments

For appointments please:


Contact Number: 012 5213245

Location: We are situated in the upstairs gym at the SMU sports complex.

SIRU director: Muhammad Dawood